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  1. Assistance with VA claims
  2. Blazers, Blouses, and Bowties
  3. Career training
  4. Mental health counseling
  5. Life skills classes and education programs

Suffered In Silence Incorporated’s first and foremost concern is to be an advocate to veterans, the less fortunate, underserved youth, and their families. We plan to hold a series of monthly one-hour enrichment workshops through our goal setting program for individuals in need to encourage them to become more self-sufficient. In addition, Suffered In Silence Incorporated will also have an emergency assistance program designed to provide food, clothing, education, gas, and vouchers for short-term living to underserved persons. 

Anyone that wishes to receive assistance will be asked to fill out a basic application that lists his or her name, age, dependents (if any), current employment status, and income. Our team understands that each person’s life circumstances are unique and work together with our participants to create a set of customized priorities that are as unique as the person reaching out to us. Anyone enrolled in our program will learn goals are designed to be stepping stones – Short term, Long term, and Lifetime. Every goal has a place and you can achieve your dreams with thoughtful plans designed to give you concrete ways to achieve them. As you take the journey towards self-achievement you will hit bumps and setbacks, but true growth comes from perseverance in all things, so our coaches are in it for the long-haul to ensure you stay true to yourself and your dreams. Help us accomplish our mission by donating or volunteering today!

Our Support Center also provides Clinical Support, however we are not a crisis line and we are not able provide emergency services. For emergencies please call Department of Veterans’s Affairs 24/7 Veteran Crisis Line at 1(800)-273-8255 press (1) or text (838255).

We believe that actions speak louder than words which is why our helpline is available 24/7 to ensure you can achieve your life goals. Your contributions are critical for us to have the means to build and sustain a community center where we can have in-person coaches that can maintain contact with any person that feels voiceless in this world to live a better more fulfilling life.